
Images & Reports
Images & Reports

Images & Reports

For instant access to your patient’s reports, log in here (or to the left) with your username and password. Or if you are new to Exact Radiology Clinic, we have a number of options available depending on how you would like to access your patient’s images and reports. Please review and select your preferred option below and follow the easy instruction guides. If you require any assistance, please contact our Medical Liaison Team on 0400 392 283, we would be happy to assist.

Zero Footprint Viewer

Access directly through your internet browser.
No download required

Click for instructions

Voyager Diagnostic

Download the application
directly onto your desktop

Click for instructions

Apple Application

Apple users you can view your images and reports on your Apple iPad or iPhone device via the App

Click for instructions

Zero Footprint Viewer

Review your patient’s images and reports through your Internet browser (e.g Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Edge, Mozilla, etc.)

Apple users you can view your images and reports on your Apple iPad or iPhone device via the App

Recommended for Apple mobile access of images and reports Apple iPad or iPhone compatible version.

  • The below link will connect you with the Apple App Store
Voyager Diagnostic Viewer

If you are a Practitioner, Radiologist, Surgeon, or Specialist we recommend downloading Voyager DICOM Viewer (For Diagnostic Use)

In order to access and use the Voyager software, you will need to have it installed on your computer. Below is a step-by-step guide for both Mac and PC. If you require any assistance, please contact our Medical Liaison Team on 0400 392 283, we would be happy to help.


System Requirements:

  • Intel-based Mac
  • 100 GB free space on Hard disk

Instructions to Install Voyager Imaging (DICOM Viewer) for Mac

  1. Download the application using the button below
  2. Run this will add ‘VoyagerImaging’ under Devices in Finder
  3. Run ‘Voyager Imaging’ from the VoyagerImaging device and confirm ‘move to Application folder’
  4. Open the ‘Applications’ folder and drag ‘Voyager Imaging’ to the Dock bar
  5. After starting Voyager Imaging, select or type in the web server and click the ‘Launch Web3’ button.
  6. Voyager Web3 client will load and launch

Download Voyager for Mac


Instructions to Install Voyager Imaging (DICOM Viewer) for Windows

  1. Download the application using the button below
  2. Save the file
  3. Open your browser’s Downloads folder
  4. Run the file VoyagerWebViewerSetup.exe
  5. Start the Diagnostic Viewer from a shortcut on your desktop, no web browser required, and no administrative rights required to install.

Download Voyager for Windows